For a few weeks now, companies based in the TechnologieZentrumDortmund (TZDO) with its different locations (currently: TZ, BMZ I, BMZ II, MST, ZfP) have been benefiting exclusively from the professional Internet connection ingenit Access.
With reliable Internet access, companies can communicate with customers and partners, can be accessed from all over the worls for the daily work of employees in the home office or have access to their data in external computer centers. In fact, business success depends on the connection. Until now, this service has been offered by the local company KPS digital GmbH (KPS). With the move to the new location at Lake Phoenix in the near future, this service is discontinued since the end of August 2019.
The company ingenit GmbH & Co. KG has been at home in the TZDO for more than 20 years and has also used the KPS service. Since ingenit offers numerous Internet services for companies from home and abroad, which are hosted here in the company's own computer centre, a stable Internet connection is indispensable. In consultation with KPS, ingenit is now taking over this service and has already installed its own fibre optic cables at the location. The redundant Internet connection is currently connected to two of the largest providers for national and international Internet data traffic.
ingenit has already approached the companies based at the TZDO and its various locations in advance and informed them about the offer. The companies benefit from the redundant Internet connection and the associated stability, flexibility, security and a personal contact person from the neighbourhood. We are pleased that the offer met with large interest with the neighbour enterprises and many companies could be already successfully connected.
Tenants from the TZDO, which are searching a reliable, fast and professional Internet connection are cordially invited on a personal meeting with us in our office. You announce yourselves for it by telephone under 0231/58698-120 or by our e-mail adress <link [email protected] - external-link-new-window>[email protected]</link>.